Nieuws van en voor bouwgerelateerde bedrijven

13 november 2006

Op 13 november is Saban Özsariyildiz gepromoveerd aan de Technische Universiteit Delft op het onderwerp:

Inception support for large scale construction projects

Inception Support: Despite the general agreement about the importance of very early project decisions (between 60% to 80% of the total cost of the projects are determined during this stage), very early projects stages is not yet adequately supported by information communication and knowledge technologies (ICKT).

This PhD. research focuses on the problems contributing to the lack of ICKT applications and tries to improve inception and very project phases and looking alternative solutions like QFD. Basically, this research tries to formulate client requirements in an efficient way and turn it to alternative feasible solutions by the means of time, cost and quality.

ICKT support: We adapted new approaches such as integration of the newest product data technology (such as dynamic information models both compile-time and run-time) and some AI technologies for instance knowledge base systems, intelligent agent technologies, fuzzy logic etc. The concept is based on supporting multiple actors views and aspects. It provides mechanisms for integration and communication of actors via neutral information models (view independent or public view models). In addition to that the approach helps to capture ideas, processes, and products through its life cycle.

The results: The benefits of this research are gaining more control over the project information (ideas, process and product) improving the quality of total project. A better communication can be provided for different views. This will reduce the time, cost and errors during the different stages of the projects.

Currently, I have not only developed the concept, but also implemented the prototype that is used by some CONCUR project industrial partners. Two cases being applied firstly to early stages of a power plant tendering which resulted %20 cost reduction %30 time reduction and able to produce 3 alternatives. The second one is applied to building and construction projects. The results we less convenient %10 cost cut and %20 reduction of time.

e-mail: Dr. ir. Saban Suat Özsariyildiz



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